Sunday, 14 September 2008

Mon, 1 Sep '08 - Akihabara

Tall buildings smothered in colourful low-grade marketing. It’s all competing for attention, some of it has audio and hi def video. The inclusion of audio with high def moving images really does feel like the next generation of display marketing especially when it’s five stories up and another five storeys tall… Even the most sophisticated ads shown on these displays have an intrusive quality. The worst are simply brutal.

Everything technological is for sale here, from the smallest components available in the ram-shackle alleyway infill markets, to the complex state of the art home entertainment systems sold in multi-storey tech department stores (e.g. Yodobashi) where each floor is themed... It’s a tech-head theme park. 

In Tokyo you need to have a clear mission or one ends up wandering aimlessly. It’s all to east to loose focus and for it all to become white noise.

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